welcome to the 5 cyclists podcast! where I have conversations with a wide range of individuals in the diaspora who move and work with bicycles—as artists, producers, athletes, tinkerers, entrepreneurs, writers, organizers and more. The podcast is inspired by five friends—Marylou Jackson, Velma Jackson, Ethyl Miller, Leolya Nelson and Constance White—who biked from New York City to DC in 1928. They were all about friendship, athleticism, competition, style & love of the outdoors. You can find my early writing on the 5 cyclists here. Listen to an interview here.
let’s talk bicycles!
Podcast #1: Riding with me today is Nicole Jefferson Asher, a film and television creator and writer. I’m speaking with her about the bicycle scenes she wrote for Love Beats Rhymes, a 2017 film, and Self Made, a 2020 series. We end with Nicole sharing one of her favorite bicycle memories as a teen in Brooklyn.
tag me on twitter @maryamcquirter and #5cyclistspodcast